Back In-Person...
In the hope that government guidelines make it possible we are planning for a fully ‘in-person’ Feis in 2022.
The 2022 Syllabuses for our Music and Speech & Drama (Open) Sections are now available for download.
The Music Section is scheduled in two parts: Part One Monday to Wednesday 14th – 16th FEBRUARY and Part Two Monday to Friday 25th – 30th April. The adjudicators are Donal McCrisken and Richard Yarr
The Speech & Drama (Open) is scheduled for Monday to Friday 28th March – 1st April with adjudicator Arthur Webb.
Plans are ongoing for Speech & Drama (Schools). The dates are Monday to Friday 2nd – 6th May.
Information about our other Sections: Irish Dance (Open), Irish Dance (Confined), Ballet & Theatre Dance, and Traditional Irish Music will be posted here in the News Section and on our Facebook page as soon as it becomes available.
Best wishes for the year ahead to all of our voluntary helpers, friends, supporters, teachers, parents and most importantly our regular performers young and not so young - especially those that we could not accommodate in the 2021 Virtual Festival.
We hope that there will be sufficient freedom in 2022 to allow us to provide the live adjudicated performance opportunities that have been so much missed in the past two years. Stay safe.